put differently

put differentlyput differently
  1. Put differently , my thesis is a qualitative study .


  2. Put differently , there is really only one new economic giant in town .


  3. Put differently , private ownership by users creates its own business model .


  4. Put differently , the past may no longer be a guide to the future .


  5. Put differently , investors often respond to a radical increase in uncertainty with panic .


  6. Put differently , the fact that a given statement is made can itself signal some of the speaker 's private information .


  7. Put differently , after years when growth was more likely to surprise below expectations than above them , the risks are now very much two-sided .


  8. Put differently , by the time risk-taking and asset price inflation again take off , it may be too late for the Fed to turn it back .


  9. Or , put differently , you can define methods that aren 't checked for correctness until they 're incorporated into a trait-using class definition .


  10. Put differently , if a ( quasi ) private sector solution was in the offing this past weekend , then Mr Paulson and Timothy Geithner , president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , invited the wrong financiers .


  11. To put it differently , does the thought process discover the real ?


  12. To put this differently : larger markets save lives .


  13. Put slightly differently , quality encompasses added value plus attention to detail .


  14. To put it differently , it is very hard to learn from very big mistakes .


  15. I want to write senior theses . Or , to put it differently , to write books


  16. To put it differently and perhaps mare clearly , people are honest and want to discharge their obligations .


  17. But one could put it differently , and ask whether universities should be free to teach in whatever manner they think best serves their students .


  18. To put it differently , in order to know what " Dogs " means , you never had to learn the word " Dogs . "


  19. Or to put it differently , socialism has to be a liberatory and emancipatory project for tens of millions .


  20. The process of validating business rules within GUIs becomes a process of validating user scenarios ; or , to put it differently , GUI testing involves validating visual state changes .


  21. The emphasis in human life should be to step away from the stream consciousness of habits , or put it differently negating the " Alaya " of habits .


  22. When I handed it in I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life : to write senior theses . Or , to put it differently : to write books .


  23. Or , to put it slightly differently , two bits of nature disagree with each other .


  24. Or to put it slightly differently : one apple feeds one man , but an idea can feed the world .


  25. Or , to put it slightly differently , do I exist during Phase C , when the body has stopped functioning ?


  26. Okay I have put it slightly differently this week ; you remember last week I got in trouble by phrasing it more or less because we don 't want the premises to be less probable than the conclusion do we ?


  27. I would put the matter quite differently .


  28. A regime as I 've said constitutes a people 's way of life what they believe makes their life worth living or to put it again slightly differently what a people stand for .
